“Well written and full of action, this grabs the reader on the first page and refuses to let go until the very last page.” Four stars.–Romantic Times
Fun and accessible…a solidly told story and very friendly to new readers.–Publishers Weekly
“What you have here is a book that I really enjoyed and an author that I look forward to reading more from. The sequel, out in 2012, will definitely be on my priority list.”–Kailana, The Written World
“The characters that are the highlight of this book. Gail Z. Martin has clearly taken a great deal of time and care in drawing them into the world. You can tell that she loves these characters a great deal, even as she plagues them with terrible and wonderful events. There are so many interesting things about this book, from the vampiric vyvash morn to the lycanthropic vyrkin, the various flavors of magic and the strange eight-fold goddess who is revered throughout the kingdoms.”–Thomas, Rob Will Review
“If you’re a fan of big-scale fantasy you’ll enjoy journeying into The Sworn. If you dig George R.R. Martin and LOTR, it’s likely you’ll get into Gail Z. Martin.”–Vampire Book Club
“Gail Z. Martin starts a new exhilarating epic fantasy, The Fallen Kings Cycle. The story line is fast-paced and filled with plenty of action as well as sets the conflict and establishes key players. Fans of the previous saga will find the opening of the second act at the high level of excellence expected from Ms. Martin.”–Harriett Klausner, The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
I loved it. Martin’s Winter Kingdoms are filled with vampires and werewolves and magic and ghosts. I can’t wait to find out what happens next. Fortunately, I have four books to go back to in the meantime.–Becky LeJeune, No More Grumpy Bookseller