- Netflix watch party 8:00 pm EST SPN-TFWNC Here
- Heat of the Moment classic episode recap SPN-TFWNC Here
- Facebook live video in Shadow Alliance (morning) Here
- Harvelle’s Roadhouse monthly guest author interview in SPN-TFWNC dates vary Here
- WIP Wednesdays – one page reading from current work in progress. Only on MorganBriceAuthor on Instagram.
- What’s Up Wednesdays in Shadow Alliance – the first Wednesday of the month – videos, Q&A, and more!
- Facebook live video in Morgan Brice group morning EST Here
- SPN-TFWNC Trivia Here
- New SPN Fandom Track video in ConTinual Here
- 10:00 am EST Facebook/YouTube watch party SPN-TFWNC Here
- Fun, cool stuff in the Morgan Brice Group Here
- Saturday Mornings with Sam & Dean (YouTube videos) SPN-TFWNC 10:00 am EST Here
- Wake up with Supernatural Sundays – con panel videos, fan mixes, and fan panels from ConTinual and Dragon Con Urban Fantasy Track in the Supernatural TFW-NC group
Shadow Alliance – https://www.facebook.com/groups/435812789942761/
Gail’s Supernatural Group is Supernatural TFW-NC: https://www.facebook.com/groups/169524930423807/
ConTinual here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/ConTinual
Writing and Winchesters on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/c/Gail…
Worlds of Morgan Brice http://www.facebook.com/WorldsOfMorganBrice/
Morgan Brice on TikTok here: https://www.tiktok.com/@morgan…