
Why Your Opinion Matters So Much

Last year, over one million books were published in the U.S. That includes books from big publishers and small presses, self-published books and ebooks—and it makes for a lot of choices for readers to sift through.

That’s why reviews matter so much. It used to be you could while away a couple of hours at your local bookstore, wandering the aisles, browsing books on tables and shelves, maybe even sitting on the floor in the aisle, reading a few pages (my personal favorite).

But as physical bookstores become scarce, a lot of book buying happens online—and ebooks have increased that trend. All those little thumbnail covers are overwhelming. How do you know whether a book is right for you?

If you’re deciding whether or not to take a chance on an author you haven’t read before, reviews can make the difference between one book and another. It can be a personal recommendation from a friend, something you’ve seen on social media, a reader review on Amazon, Goodreads or another online bookstore, or a blog post from a book reviewer. You may not always agree with all of a reviewer’s comments, but when you find someone who seems to like the same things you do, a good review can point you toward new reading adventures.

Here are some comments I’m hearing from book reviewers around the world on Deadly Curiosities. Thank you to each and every person who has ever recommended my books!



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