
Excerpt from Death Plot, A Jonmarc Vahanian Adventure

Excerpt from Death Plot by Gail Z. Martin

Questions nagged at him as he followed the men. Who’s paying them? Someone from Principality—or Eastmark? Are they trying to change something here, or there? Other than providing a reason for war, what would change with Alcion dead?

His quarry stopped by a run-down tavern. Jonmarc kept on walking, doing his best to take in details without appearing to give the men or their destination a second glance. Crippled Goat Tavern had seen better days. The wood of its sign was split, and the painted lettering was faded. Several panes in its windows were cracked, and none of the glass was clean enough to see through. The whole area smelled of wood smoke and horse shit, urine and stale beer. Even the strumpets in the alley next to the inn looked as if they were past their prime, shivering in torn shawls and stained, tattered gowns.

A few blocks past the Crippled Goat, Jonmarc doubled back. There were still plenty of festival-goers in the street, enough, he hoped, to hide him in case anyone had seen him go past the tavern. This time, he chanced another look as he passed, but saw little except lights and the silhouettes of people through the tavern’s filthy windows. He did not slow his pace, or look for long, just a glance to fix the details in mind. The four men were nowhere to be seen, and a quick look behind him on either side of the street assured him that they were not still among the crowd.

Valjan will bring an entire squad, Jonmarc thought. That should be more than enough to take care of four ruffians. He was nearly to the plaza with its ragtag entertainers when someone in the crowd shoved him hard from the side. Jonmarc stumbled, and another man pushed him off balance. A sharp pain radiated behind ear and the world spun, growing dark as he dropped to his knees and then fell face-down in the snow.


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Don’t Miss Your Days of The Dead Trick or Treats!

DaysofDead Banner V1 copy

The Days of the Dead blog tour is winding down for 2015, but you don’t have to miss out on a thing!  There are still a few blogs that will be posting guest articles by me, and the excerpt goodies will be available for a long time to download, so what are you waiting for!

Here’s your list of where to find the loot.  Freebies and excerpts are at the end of each of my blog posts, and just in case you miss something, I’ll be retweeting links for quite a while!

Here’s where to get the goodies:



Thank you so much for making another Days of the Dead blog tour such a fantastic week!


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Giveaways, Goodies and Ghoulies–The Days of the Dead Blog Tour 2015!


Days of the Dead 2015: More Covers, More Free Stuff, More Fun!
 Welcome to the 2015 Days of the Dead blog tour!

We are going to celebrate in style this year with excerpts, interviews, book giveaways, sneak peeks at new covers, and more!

Next year will be HUGE fun because I’ll have THREE new books out, plus dozens of short stories. War of Shadows (Ascendant Kingdoms #3), a second Deadly Curiosities novel, and Iron and Blood, the new steampunk series co-written with my husband, Larry N. Martin. Plus dozens of new short stories and new anthologies. Fun!

Here’s the deal—different blogs will post my guest articles on different days. Make the rounds, enter the contests, be entertained and grab some fun freebies!

What kind of freebies? I’ll have two different Goodreads giveaways, one for Reign of Ash and one for Deadly Curiosities. Sprinkled along with the guest blog posts are links to excerpts for all my books and short stories, plus DOZENS of links to books and short stories by author friends of mine. Enough to keep you reading for quite a while!

What are you waiting for? You can get in on all the Days of the Dead fun on a treasure hunt/Trick-or-Treat just by visiting these sites. And please, “like” my TheWinterKingdoms page on Facebook and follow me @GailZMartin on Twitter!

Here’s where to get the goodies: — Check back here to find an updated list of links to new interviews and excerpts. — ‘Coming Up in 2015’ — all about the new books, new short stories, new conventions and new anthologies you can look forward to next year! — a blog post on my favorite scary stories
Literate Liquors podcast—John Hartness talks about what to drink while ready my new Deadly Curiosities!
Free Deadly Curiosities computer wallpaper: — What’s coming up with the Ascendant Kingdoms Saga, both with War of Shadows and the fourth book, Shadow and Flame. And, a sneak peek at the cover for War of Shadows! — A drawing for 8 free copies of Reign of Ash from 10/24 – 10/30, then a drawing for 8 free copies of Deadly Curiosities from 11/1 – 11/15, and an open Q&A session on my
author page—ask me anything!
Special 50% off discount just for Days of the Dead on all Double-Dragon Publishing ebooks 10/24-10/31 use “GAILROX” code
Join my email list or “like” my Winter Kingdoms Facebook page between 10/24 and 10/31 to be entered for a chance to win some of my Deadly Curiosities Adventures or Jonmarc Vahanian Adventures short stories — A guest blog from me on Why I Write for Anthologies — A blog post on The Hardest Part of Writing Multiple Series — I delve deep into Iron and Blood with some thoughts about a city that is tailor-made for steampunk.
SitWriteBleed — on Heroes Come in All Shapes and Sizes — on What’s ahead for the Deadly Curiosities book series — Readings from Ice Forged, Reign of Ash, Deadly Curiosities and more!
Kelly Harmon’s blog on What’s Next in the Jonmarc Vahanian Stories
Vonnie Winslow Crist’s blog on Voodoo and Hoodoo
Scribbling Lion on New Dangers Ahead for the Deadly Curiosities Adventures short stories
Danielle Ackley-McPhail’s blog — on The Sound and Fury short stories—looking forward to Iron and Blood
Day Al-Mohamad’s blog – on Writing the Epic Series
Catherine Lundoff’s blog on Women in Steampunk
SFBokhandlen on Kickstarter Publishing and the New Publishing Paradigm on Traditional Publishing, Self-Publishing, and the Pro Writer
Speculative Scotsman on Short Fiction in the New Publishing Reality
Dave Brendon – What Characters Do Between Books
The Writer’s Lens — on Using Real People and Places in Fiction
Mass Movement Magazine — I’ll be talking about the Pittsburgh history that never was
The Qwillery — My anthology round-up and the story behind the stories
My Bookish Ways – on Keeping the Supernatural Real
Beauty in Ruins — on the indulging my dark side and what scares me
The Book Plank — on how I define necromancy and how it works in my series
Spec Hub — on how and why magic works in my series
New excerpts on Wattpad—Bad Blood, Collector and Bad Memories, plus War of Shadows, Resurrection Day, Airship Down, The Restless Dead, Windows on the Soul, and The Breaking Point on


• Snap up some never-before-seen excerpts from Iron and Blood, War of Shadows and my most recent Jonmarc Vahanian and Deadly Curiosities short stories, Collector, Bad Blood and Bad
50% off Double-Dragon Publishing ebooks just for the Days of the Dead!
• Silence in the Library Publishing excerpt links to stories from the Athena’s Daughters and Heroes anthologies (my stories plus other contributors).
Dark Oak Books chipped in links to stories in the Big Bad 2, Realms of Imagination and Dreams of Steel 5 anthologies (again, my stories plus others) and some of their recent releases.
Dark Quest Books also kicks in links to some stories from the With Great Power anthology and books by Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Day Al-Mohammad and more!
• Look for links from the Clockwork Universe anthology
Spence City Press added some more excerpt goodies
• Links to excerpts from some of my author friends, including Jon Sprunk, John Hartness, Darin Kennedy, Stuart Jaffe, Tally Johnson, Michael Ventrella, L. Jagi Lamplighters, Danielle
Ackley-McPhail, Day Al-Mohamed, and lots more!
Free computer wallpaper with the Deadly Curiosities cover art
Two Goodreads giveaways and my Facebook/email list giveaway!

With so much good stuff going on, it’s going to take a week just to get through it all! What are you waiting for? Dive in and help me celebrate the Days of the Dead!


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Come see me at DragonCon!

Labor Day weekend, I’ll be at DragonCon in Atlanta—and if you’re there, stop by and say hello!

Here’s my panel and signing schedule:

  • A Magical Place: The Role of Setting in Urban Fantasy–Time: Fri 10:00 am Location: Chastain BC – Westin
  • Fictional Writing and Skepticism–Time: Fri 04:00 pm Location: 204-207 – Hilton
  • Critique Groups and Beta Readers–Time: Fri 07:00 pm Location: Embassy D-F – Hyatt
  • How ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Has Changed Publishing and Writing–Time: Fri 10:00 pm Location: 201 – Hilton
  • Athena’s Daughters Authors Meet & Greet–Time: Sat 10:00 am Location: A708 – Marriott
  • Wreaking Havoc in Many Guises: Demons in Urban Fantasy–Time: Sat 11:30 am Location: Chastain BC – Westin
  • Book signing at Larry Smith Books —Time: Sat. 2 p.m. Location: Dealers’ Room
  • Who Needs Dystopias When You Have History–Time: Sat 10:00 pm Location: Augusta 3 – Westin
  • Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading—Time: Sun 11:30 a.m. Location: Hyatt Vinings
  • Peopling Your Fiction–Time: Sun 04:00 pm Location: Embassy D-F – Hyatt
  • Athena’s Daughters book signing—Time: Mon. 11-12 a.m. Location: Artists’ Alley
  • Werewolves, Vampires, Demons, Dragons-Oh My! –Time: Mon 01:00 pm Location: Embassy D-F – Hyatt

News Flash! Solaris Books has asked for a second Deadly Curiosities book for 2015!

In other news….

Four new anthologies with my short stories are now available!

If you missed the @Kickstarter, you can still get Dance Like a Monkey from @sitlpublishing here:

Realms of Imagination with my Deadly Curiosities story, “The Restless Dead” now available

Clockwork Universe now for sale w our Steampunk story “Airship Down”

The Heroes anthology w my superhero story from @sitlpublishing here:

Check out the Anthologies page of this website—it’s updated with the whole list of anthologies that are now available with my stories.

And here’s where you can find me for the rest of the year…

  • Oct.3-5 ContraFlow, New Orleans, LA
  • Oct. 24 – 31 Days of the Dead Online Event
  • Nov. 7-9 World Fantasy
  • Nov. 14-16 Atomacon, Charleston SC
  • Nov. 21-23 Philcon, West Orange, NJ

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Why Your Opinion Matters So Much

Last year, over one million books were published in the U.S. That includes books from big publishers and small presses, self-published books and ebooks—and it makes for a lot of choices for readers to sift through.

That’s why reviews matter so much. It used to be you could while away a couple of hours at your local bookstore, wandering the aisles, browsing books on tables and shelves, maybe even sitting on the floor in the aisle, reading a few pages (my personal favorite).

But as physical bookstores become scarce, a lot of book buying happens online—and ebooks have increased that trend. All those little thumbnail covers are overwhelming. How do you know whether a book is right for you?

If you’re deciding whether or not to take a chance on an author you haven’t read before, reviews can make the difference between one book and another. It can be a personal recommendation from a friend, something you’ve seen on social media, a reader review on Amazon, Goodreads or another online bookstore, or a blog post from a book reviewer. You may not always agree with all of a reviewer’s comments, but when you find someone who seems to like the same things you do, a good review can point you toward new reading adventures.

Here are some comments I’m hearing from book reviewers around the world on Deadly Curiosities. Thank you to each and every person who has ever recommended my books!




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News and Reviews

I love readers, bloggers and book reviewers! You’re the reason writers get to keep on writing.

Whether you share your book recommendations in conversation with friends or informally on social media, post them to Amazon, Goodreads or other online book sites, or run a book review blog, you’re filling a valuable gap between publishers and readers—and a gap which old-style media like newspapers (do they still print those?) and magazines have pretty well abandoned.

So thank you for taking the time to post about Deadly Curiosities! I really appreciate it. And in case you’re curious, here’s what other reviewers have to say:

Thank you reviewers and readers!


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Musings on Vampires, Voodoo and Life

Wicked DreamsAs part of the Deadly Curiosities launch, I was fortunate to be a guest blogger for some really awesome blogs all around the world. Some wanted me to talk about a specific topic, others had questions for me, and still more wanted me to say whatever was on my mind.

In case you missed it, here are links to the interviews and musings—there’s stuff in here you won’t see anywhere else!



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Terrifying Collections, Sorren’s Secrets and Launch Party Goodies

Deadly Curiosities the novel is off and running–and getting a strong start from the recent spate of reviews. THANK YOU if you read, blog, review–you help make it possible for writers to keep on writing. I appreciate the kind words on Amazon/Goodreads and all the other online book platforms as well as all the official reviews. It all helps to spread the word!

“Collector” is the newest Deadly Curiosities Adventure short story–here’s the blurb: A Collector’s passion brings death and despair to Battery Row. Cassidy, Teag and Sorren fight for their lives against an ancient spirit, a children’s bogeyman, who has brought her minions with her to help discipline all in her path.  It’s .99 on Kindle/Kobo/Nook–here’s the Kindle link

If you’ve read Deadly Curiosities and you’re interested in learning more about Sorren’s mysterious past, check out my blog post on Sorren’s Secrets. I’ve also written about Voodoo and Hoodoo–and how they came to be part of the Deadly Curiosities stories.

In case you missed it, there were some fun free goodies with the launch party–


Deadly Curiosities Adventure #11

Deadly Curiosities Adventure #11


And if you want to go deeper into the world of Deadly Curiosities, please take a look at some of the guest blogs I’ve done lately for wonderful bloggers around the world!

Next up–I’ll be in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland in the next couple of weeks–look for me to do a signing at Forbidden Planet in London on 7/23, at Waterstones Cardiff on 7/31 along with Lou Morgan and Gareth Powell, and keep your eyes open for something in Edinburgh too!

Had a wonderful time at ConGregate!  Next up is Dragon*Con, then ContraFlow in October, followed by a hat-trick trifecta of November cons: World Fantasy/Atomacon/Philcon!  Hope to see you soon!



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Come Party with Me to Launch Deadly Curiosities on June 25!

I’m holding an all-day Facebook Launch Party on June 25 and you’re invited! (Parties on Goodreads and Reddit, too!) Fun, freebies, contests and games—enter to win free books and short stories!

Meet 20+ of my author friends who are celebrating with me. Find out about their new books and upcoming projects, get a sneak peek at some cool new anthologies, ask questions about writing, publishing—anything at all!

Best of all, meet authors, talk about books, nab some cool virtual party favors, play party games and have fun!

It all starts here at 10:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) on Wednesday, June 25 on Facebook:

Here’s the Facebook line-up:

10:30 – 11Me

11 – 11:30 Pip Ballantine

11:30 – Noon Chris Verstraete

Noon – 12:30 Trisha Wooldridge

12:30 – 1 John Hartness

1-1:30 Leona Wisoker

1:30 – 2 Keith DeCandido

2-2:30 Cynthia Ward

2:30 – 3 Jim Lavene

3 – 3:30 Me

3:30 – 4 Jennifer Brozek

4-4:30 Joshua Palmatier/Benjamin Tate

4:30 – 5 Tricia Barr

4-5:30 Clockwork Universe authors

5:30 – 6 Athena’s Daughters authors

5:50—6 Me

6-6:30 Rowena Cory Daniels

6:30 – 7 Kim Richardson

7-7:30 Tera Fulbright

7:30 – 8 Danielle Ackley-McPhail

8-8:30 Stuart Jaffe

8:30 – 9 James Maxey

9-9:30 Natasha Rhodes

9:30 – 10 Kelly Harmon

10 – 11 Me


On Goodreads, I’m doing an all day Ask the Author live chat! Enter to win a copy of Deadly Curiosities. Freebies! Games! Fun! I’m giving away an ebook each hour—must participate to win!

On Reddit/Fantasy, I’m reviving my Ask Me Anything for a Q&A, and doing a giveaway for copies of Deadly Curiosities!

If you’re in the mood to party, come join me for more Deadly Curiosities parties and signings!

  • Jun 27-29 LibertyCon, Chattanooga, TN (launch party)
  • July 9 Reddit Featured author
  • July 11-13 ConGregate, Winston-Salem, NC (launch party)
  • July 19 Book signing Barnes & Noble, Pineville, NC
  • July 23 London, England—Signing at Forbidden Planet, stock signing at Waterstones
  • July 31 Cardiff, Wales—Signing at Waterstones
  • Aug. 1 Edinburgh, Scotland—Stock signing at Waterstones
  • Aug. 9 Book Signing at Books a Million Concord Mills
  • Labor Day Weekend DragonCon Atlanta, GA

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Welcome to the Hawthorn Moon Event 2014!

It’s that time again—a week when we celebrate the summer solstice (or the Hawthorn Moon as it’s called in The Summoner) with a look at new books, new interviews and a whole lot of fun!

Here’s what’s happening this week:

News flash! Deadly Curiosities 2 is planned for 2015!

Where to find more adventures with Cassidy, Teag and Sorren before the second book comes out!

  • The Final Death novella takes Cassidy and crew on a whole new mission filled with vampires, voodoo and cursed objects—free and complete on Wattpad:
  • Three full Deadly Curiosities Adventures short stories are available on Kindle/Kobo/Nook in ebook for just .99 each:
    • Buttons—the story that launched the Deadly Curiosities novel. A hungry ghost haunts a dead man’s journals, and Cassidy and Sorren must destroy the spirit before it exacts its price in blood.
    • Coffin Box— When a prominent man and his wife die suddenly, a cursed gift appears to be the culprit. Cassidy, Teag and Sorren must hunt a supernatural killer before it strikes again.
    • Wicked Dreams-– Inexplicable murders among King Street merchants look like the work of a long-dead serial killer. Cassidy, Teag and Sorren go looking for an undead slasher before the body count rises.
    • Retribution: An all-new Deadly Curiosities story in the Athena’s Daughters anthology from Silence in the Library Publishing. An antique hip flask and a vintage poker set lead Cassidy and crew on a hunt to stop a ghostly killer nursing a decades-old fatal grudge.
    • The Restless Dead: Another all-new Deadly Curiosities story in the Realms of Imagination anthology from Dark Oak Books. An antique sewing machine may hold the key to preventing a deranged loner’s murder spree, but can Cassidy and her crew put the pieces together in time, even with some Voodoo help?

Stay tuned—I’ve got fun and surprises planned all week, and you’re invited!


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